Below are some of the most common edits users complete with our Mapping Tools. Click through to see an overview of how to make each edit.
Splitting Polygons
Navigate to the Split Tool and follow these steps to complete a split:
Left-click to select the polygon
Right-click to place vertex points
Select Split
Navigate to Perspectives
Select 3D Renderer for the perspective(s)
Select Generate and Save
Your split is complete, map is updated, and your changes saved. From here, edit the External ID on the newly split polygons and add Entrance Nodes to update the directions.
Merging Polygons
Start in the Draw Tool and follow these steps to complete a merge:
Left-click to select the first polygon
Hold SHIFT and left-click to select the adjacent polygon
From the Edit Menu select Merge
Navigate to Perspectives
Select 3D Renderer for the perspective(s)
Select Generate and Save
Your polygons are merged, map is updated and your change is saved. From here, update the External ID to the newly formed polygon.
Adding External IDs
Navigate to the ID Tool and follow these steps to add or change an External ID:
Left-click to select the polygon
Enter or update the External ID
Press or Select Enter
From the File Menu select Save Map
External IDs are used to sync location data from your CMS into Mappedin. Make sure the External ID entered in Mappedin matches the correct ID.
Adding Logos to the Map
Navigate to the Perspectives Dashboard and follow these steps to add or change a logo on the map:
Select 3D Renderer for the perspective(s)
Left-click to select the polygon (to add/change the logo)
Navigate to the Image Tab
Drag & Drop or Select Upload to add the logo
Follow the prompts
Center & Align the logo on the polygon space
Select Generate and Save
Your map is updated with the new logo or icon.